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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Back to surface propulsion (generators)

Yes airplanes normaly have 24 VDC systems. older ones have 12VDC. The only purpose for the battery in an airplane or car. Is to start the engine, and act like a shock absorber when something is turned on. When you turn on something like headlights, the initial surge may slightly overload the alternator, for a moment. Also, if the alternator dies, or the belt brakes, you may be able to get some where on the battery. On older cars that is!!!

Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com> wrote:
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 09:42:16 -0500 David Buchner
>Do diesel-powered cars have 24 volt starters, and two batteries in
>series... or did I make that up? Does this mean they also have 24 volt
>alternators? Which I could use to make a 24 volt dedicated
>battery-charging generator?

My diesel Oldsmobile had two batteries and a 12-volt system. It
takes a lot of amps to squeeze diesel fuel enough to get it to
explode ... or so I understand.

Don't airplanes have 24v systems?

Mike Holt

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