Yes airplanes normaly have 24 VDC systems. older ones have 12VDC. The only purpose for the battery in an airplane or car. Is to start the engine, and act like a shock absorber when something is turned on. When you turn on something like headlights, the initial surge may slightly overload the alternator, for a moment. Also, if the alternator dies, or the belt brakes, you may be able to get some where on the battery. On older cars that is!!!
Michael B Holt <> wrote:
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 09:42:16 -0500 David Buchner
>Do diesel-powered cars have 24 volt starters, and two batteries in
>series... or did I make that up? Does this mean they also have 24 volt
>alternators? Which I could use to make a 24 volt dedicated
>battery-charging generator?
My diesel Oldsmobile had two batteries and a 12-volt system. It
takes a lot of amps to squeeze diesel fuel enough to get it to
explode ... or so I understand.
Don't airplanes have 24v systems?
Mike Holt
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