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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Amazing Day

On Sunday, October 12, 2003, at 11:19 AM, Brian Cox wrote:
He said the original person who obtained the lease had to go through 7 government agencies to get the lease.  The original guy also tried to raise oysters but found that they were contaminated from faulty sewage treatment release from the city of Santa Barbara who he subsequently sued and won and forced the city to correct the problem.....

Figures. You have to go through 7 government agencies to get permission to use it, and you'd go to prison for the rest of your life if you polluted it, but cities do what they want unless somebody sues them.

         Channel Island Sanctuary  -  So I got to talking to the sanctuary folks and they were showing me the newly designated areas around the island that are now "preserves" , ok that's cool, as I inquired further he proceeded to inform me that no one is allowed to go there.  You cannot park your boat in that area,  you certainly cannot scuba dive or skin dive there.  "Can anyone go there?", I queried   Well yes, he said I can go there, you see I'm a Naturalist ....

Thanks for sticking up for sanity, and for standing-in and representing my rage and lots of other guys' - without actually killing anybody.

Amazing Day, indeed: cool toys, good food, and dealing a blow to the smug self-confidence of some fools.