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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Moki Picture Exchange - problem

Heads up,

Moki Picture Exchange (http://www.prismnet.com/~moki/subfiles.html) has grown into a large collection of pictures. I've started to pull the pictures to the PSUBS web site (http://www.psubs.org). Once I get a picture to the PSUBS web site I'll send mail to delete the picture on Moki. The idea is to start at the bottom of the Moki page and work up.

I am having problems removing:

From: "Tim Smalley" _tmsmalley 'at' visi.com_ 
This is a photo of my home made gas powered hookah - ca. 1967


From: "dr_redus" _dr_redus 'at' devtex.net_ 
This is a Mechanical Desktop rendering of Cliff Redus' R300

Do things like single quotes (') and dashes (-) cause problems with Moki?
So far it is not liking the syntax I am sending it.
