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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] concret submarine, hatches, connectors, viewports, bubbles, classification

Huh? Do you mean the Millenial Foundation? Get the
Millenial Project by Marshall T. Savage from Amazon
a good overview. It is an entertaining book anyhow,
take the economics of seacrete with a grain of salt.
They make some grand assumptions about the initial
costs, and they are assuming a structure about the
of the Empire State Building to get the process
It is a recommended book for $7.50.


--- dinosnider666@spacemail.com wrote:
> > With enough wave-action generators or
> thermal-current
> > generators seacrete could become economical. It is
> a
> > superior building material. However, I just don't
> see
> > anyone building the string of generators just to
> make
> > 
> --
> Yeah. Just joined some 'living foundation site' - ?
> Asking about sand as an aggregate.
> Also, wonder if very thin films (read in solar
> panels) with very good conductivity could be used to
> lay down instead of wire.
> No idea. 
> Very interested in using concentrated brine and
> varying amount/type of gasses to tweak.
> D

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