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[PSUBS-MAILIST] [Fwd: Contacts in Germany?]


Anyone in Germany who what to contact Sebastian, go for it.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Contacts in Germany?
   Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 11:50:16 +0200
   From: Sebastian <sebastian.staemmler@gmx.de>
     To: publicrelations@psubs.org

Dear P-Sup people! My name is Sebastian Stämmler, I am from Germany. I first visited your Homepage yesterday, at the 27.09.2003. I think, that creating a homepage for submarine-builders is a wonderful idea, because bringing people from all other the world together to one table and let them discuss the technical problems of building an own P-Submarine is a very progressiv  thing.I am very interessted in Diving, Submarines and the whole world under water. Specially the technical backgrounds are
fascinating things for me, because I am experienced in RC-Boats and Planes and also want to study chemistry next year. So I have never thought, that building an own submarine is a possible thing - bevore I visited your page. Because of being a College student, my financially resources are unfortunately limited, building an own submarine would be a very difficult thing. So I am looking for other people, especially people from Germany, in order to have dicussions and also to help them create their
own P-Sub, with technical recommendations.Thats my special question to your:Is their a opportunity to get integrated in creating a new submarine? Contacts from Germany would be great, but also contacts from the USA are very helpful. Isnt their an version from your homepage in Germany on the net (I have already researched a lot, but always failed), too?I already look forward to your answers! yours sincerely,                       Sebastian