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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sensor Interfacing

Hi All

I was wondering, with all this talk about sensor interfacing, what about the
system that Alec Smyth was working on?  I understand he did a presentation
at the convention but i haven't heard much about the PLC system since.

I sometimes use an Allen Bradley PLC to collect data as part of my job and
as i have some understanding of the programming, i was wondering how Alec
got on with that part of his project?

Any news?

Steve Bosworth

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean T. Stevenson" <sts@telus.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sensor Interfacing

> You can actually get away from PC/OS based solutions entirely for about
the same cost as a good industrial computer.  I have some experience using
National Instruments' Compact Fieldpoint controller, which allows you to run
software written in LabVIEW (on a PC) in real-time on the controller.  A
variety of different modules (analog input, analog output, digital input,
digital output, PWM control, thermocouple, etc.) are available for the
compact fieldpoint system.
> Whatever you decide to do, make sure that the hardware will work in a 100%
humidity environment.   You may need an additional enclosure.
> -Sean
> Quoting Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>:
> > The only problem will be the reliablilty. If the
> > system
> > is non-critical, then have fun...However, if your life
> > depends on the system or your safety is affected by it
> >
> > in any way...Then please avoid PC based solutions. I
> > don't want to see the obituaries of any folks on list
> > list because of a system malfunction. If you want to
> > use an off the shelf system, try searching on google
> > for
> > a single board industrial computer. There are some
> > nice
> > ones that are extremely reliable.
> >
> > Warren.
> >
> > --- Adam Lawrence <adteleka@in-tch.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Peter,
> > >
> > > I am also just learning about control system
> > > hardware and software. At
> > > school we are using this
> > > http://www.omega.com/DAS/pdf/CIO-DAS08.pdf board in
> > > a PC along with VisSim http://www.vissim.com/
> > > software to graphically
> > > construct mathematical operations to control and
> > > monitor some
> > > instrumentation. It is very easy to use. We are
> > > using it to look at certain
> > > aspects of steam turbine power plants. It could also
> > > be used in a psub.
> > >
> > > Adam