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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sensor Interfacing

The only problem will be the reliablilty. If the
is non-critical, then have fun...However, if your life
depends on the system or your safety is affected by it

in any way...Then please avoid PC based solutions. I
don't want to see the obituaries of any folks on list
list because of a system malfunction. If you want to
use an off the shelf system, try searching on google
a single board industrial computer. There are some
ones that are extremely reliable.


--- Adam Lawrence <adteleka@in-tch.com> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> I am also just learning about control system
> hardware and software. At
> school we are using this
> http://www.omega.com/DAS/pdf/CIO-DAS08.pdf board in
> a PC along with VisSim http://www.vissim.com/
> software to graphically
> construct mathematical operations to control and
> monitor some
> instrumentation. It is very easy to use. We are
> using it to look at certain
> aspects of steam turbine power plants. It could also
> be used in a psub.
> Adam

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