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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sensor Interfacing
Hey guys.. been lurking here for awhile trying to read some before I
embarassed myself asking questions that had already been beaten to death,
I have been following Dino's concept writings pretty closely and am
interested in the ideas he has presented.. with the exception of comfort..
26", laying either face down and forward, which will kill your neck
regardless of pillows, or back reclined and up will put you too far from the
viewing endcap to be effective.. mirrors it would seem would either form
condensation, or lose effectiveness with any addition of interior light from
instruments, etc...
I was wondering if anyone had attempted a 1 atm sub with the same concept,
and pressure hull diameter except possibly mounted vertically in the water,
so you could enter it from a hinged lexan / plexi dome on top, sit on the
equivalent of a heavily padded bike seat or whatever... maybe add ballasts /
weight to the bottom portion for water stability, and a ring of external
balasts topside for further stability and control... I kind of envision
something like the exosuit they have.. except the whole unit is enclosed
instead of just having your head in a bubble and the rest of your body
Is / could this be feasible or would the drag be too great on a vessel
offering that much surface area in that orientation?
Thats the only way ergonomically speaking I could ever see spending anything
more than a couple of minutes lying down in a 26" tube.. Of course I am 6'5"
and 250lbs.. so my predicament might not affect everyone else...
----- Original Message -----
From: <dinosnider666@spacemail.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sensor Interfacing
> > The only problem will be the reliablilty. If the
> > system
> > is non-critical, then have fun...However, if your life
> > depends on the system or your safety is affected by it
> > ---
> Since just wanna do a single-man tube size of superheavy torpedo, hoping
to go pure mechanical/electric but no electronic/computerized.
> Trying to figure out if want a facd down and forward, or back reclined and
up. The lack of cameras favours a head in the front hemisphere,which will
likely be a plastic bubble. Figure have on of those t-shaped cutouts on
massage pillow for comfy, max field of view. Trying to figure out where to
put gauges and such. Thinking have along bottom edge of bubble, so as not to
impede view. Hope for an 'immersed experience' - - good viewing.
> Trying to figure out if want pneumatic 'fighter cockpit' entry - if
reclined face up, or front bubble on a hinge.
> Thoughts?
> D.
> Reclined and face up only seems viable, given my arbitary design
constraint of no protusions beyond 26" diameter hull, if I could figure out
a ? "pop up viewer" design. Suppose could have flip up mirror, use 2 in
combo, see straight forward, have few portholes for other directions.
> Imagine a recessed and pop-up viewing window array WAY too fancy - a
moving pressure seal, indeed!