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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Kittredge book list status

I hope the third time is a charm...Here is one more atempt at getting my
address to you Ray,

Trent McNelly
5908 East 22nd Ave
Anchorage, AK, USA

Trent McNelly

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Keefer" <Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 10:25 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Kittredge book list status

> Hi,
> Just to let you all know the status of collecting names for George's book.
> I'll send the final list to Greorge tomorrow.
> Number one comment: I will help with costs.
> Number two comment: Please get them autographed
> Here are the names I have so far. Some of you did not give me addresses or
they seemed incomplete. See special notes for those.
> Attendees
> =========
> NOTE: George said he will pay for book and shipping for attendees of the
> 2003 Convention
> Ian Wright
> Al Secor
> Pierre Poulin
> Gene Seus
> Mike Caudle
> Jon Wallace
> Daniel Lance
> David Walls
> Alec Smyth
> Non Attendees
> =============
> NOTE: George said he will pay for book. Shipping will be paid by
> Details still to be worked out.
> Roger June
> Steve Bosworth
> Need address.
> Ron Leonard
> Need address.
> Dan Butler
> Jorge Lourenco Jr.
> Steven Mills
> Peter McKellar
> Need address to mother-in-law in Alabama or to oz.
> Dale A. Raby
> Marco Zeeman
> David Carnes
> Brian Cox
> Need street address and zip, not just city and state.
> William Alford
> Need address.
> Chris Nugent
> Need address.
> Mark E. Steed
> Dave Altis
> Michael Holt
> Thijs Struijs
> Regards,
> Ray