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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sensor Interfacing

This one I know, since I am an embedded systems
engineer. First, the direct to PC interface will be
either one of the most expensive, or one of the most
difficult you can tackle. Second, yes, there are 
hundreds of options in the way of PCI boards (not AGP,
that is graphics). Interfacing through the RS232 Port
is what I would recommend. This is the easiest,
and most flexible. To do this, you will need some
electronics and programming skills (or you get back to
VERY expensive). The code and hardware is very simple
if you go with the MSP430F1121 (or related MSP430).
is the easiest series of MCUs to program. The devel
kit is $49 from TI. They have ADCs and UARTs built in.
You simply fire up the ADC, take a reading, fire up
UART, and transmit the reading to any RS232 device you
want. You can also recieve and execute control
This may sound a little wild, but believe me you get 
the most bang for your buck in the MCU world. Another
simpler, and much less powerfull option would be the
Basic Stamp or BasicX. Both of these can also provide
a cheap interface to your PC. 

--- peter  mckellar <mckellar@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Apologies in advance for shamelessly displaying the
> depths of my ignorance.  I have a general question
> on interfacing sensors to PCs.
> I know that many of the control systems built by
> contributors are custom PLCs etc.  I also know that
> many pressure sensors, oxygen guages are mechanical
> and avoid these problems.
> I however was hoping to use (basically)
> off-the-shelf components hooked into a standard PC. 
> Is this even possible?
> What I'm talking about is standard PC boards that
> slip into a PCM, AGP etc type slot and they have a
> wire attached to a probe that is either naked or
> mounted somewhere in the cabin, or stuck through the
> hull.
> Todays research has centred around sensor suppliers
> (specifically ceramic, piezo-electric or MEM based
> at this stage) but I can't seem to fathom how these
> are interfaced.
> 1.  Is there a standard PC board protocol/usb
> attachable mulitplexor that allow me to buy sensors
> and attach them either individually, daisy-chained
> or as part of a sensor array, mixing and matching as
> I desire?
> 2.  Is there standard software (maybe html based?)
> that comes with these like they supply for routers,
> or for that matter, is ANY software ever supplied
> with these devices?
> 3.  do any come with an IP address that allows me to
> plug them straight into an onboard lan
> I can see this could get really ugly :(  i can do
> wonderful things with software, flip bits, do
> boolean stuff, draw truth tables, but i've never
> burnt a rom in my life and can't even solder :(
> I guess I'm wondering if I can do plug-n-play things
> or if I should look at enrolling in an electronics
> (hands-on) course.
> Any suggestions or comments?
> peter

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