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[PSUBS-MAILIST] [Fwd: Re: Request]

Hi Folks,

I have been trading e-mail with Captain George Kittedge. He would like to
send a copy of his book "I Found Israel's Atom Bomb Factory" to all the 2003 Convention attendees. This book has great insights on what a business of making small submarines is like. I typically do not hand out addresses so please send mail to ray@psubs.com with your name and address if:

1. You attended the 2003 Convention, I'll check against my list.
2. You would like a copy of George's book.
3. It is ok with you if I give your name and address to George.

Book details:

Title:  I Found Israel's Atom Bomb Factory
Author: George William Kittredge
Pub.:   Kittredge Industries, Inc
Pages:  302 pages with photos
Year:   1 edition Vol 1 (March 15, 2000)
ISBN:   0615114946
Cost:   $16.00 (www.amazon.com)
        This is a biography of George Kittredge. About half the book is 
        about his naval career which is composed of many adventures 
        including operating on US Naval submarines and being a Military 
        Naval Attache. The other half is about his adventures in civilian 
        life. The most interesting part of George's civilian life to 
        this web site is his adventures with designing,
        manufacturing and selling his small submarines. George shares 
        many insights and ancedotes of just what it takes to build 
        personal submarines as a business.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Request
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 04:37:14 -0400
From: George Kittredge 
To: Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM

>George Kittredge wrote:
> >
> > Ray,  I have been busy building the hangar shown in the attachment.  Do you
> > have a list of the names and addresses of the people who attended the
> > Manchester Submarine Conference?  Would appreciate receiving a copy.
> >
> > Best regards,  george
> >
> > 

At 04:39 PM 9/14/03 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi George,
>Great to hear from you and glad to see you are busy as ever.
>Generally I don't like to hand out lists of addresses. If you could tell
>me your intent with the list I can pass your request onto the group.
>I am checking with Jonathan Wallace for the official list of names.

  Ray,  I would like to send each attendee a free copy of my book so they 
could learn how my small submarines came into existence.. Who knows, it 
might help keep their enthusiasm for small submarines.

Green Board! george