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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Methane scrubber

Hi Warren (and everyone reading this thread),

apologies for not replying for the last few days, i was in transit then sleeping off the travel-lag :(

I'll check the archives again (already mined these pretty heavily), and I'll follow some of the links posted in response to my initial enquiries.

I guess after the chinese sub disaster (the diesel engine used all the oxygen in the cabin when someone left the hatch open to the engine room), horror stories of batteries exploding etc, I'm looking for all possible options.

An emerging technology, well tested but not really at the 'off-the-shelf' stage is the fuel cell.

maybe the most promising is provided by Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited www.cfcl.com.au and uses many different fuels, including diesel, LPG, methane and pure hydrogen.  Ceramics can apparently be used for 'solid-state' gas storage eliminating the hazards of pressurised gases (especially the flamable varieties.  A company called Ceramtec also offers an electrochemical 'no moving parts' oxygen extraction and storage (at 2,500 psi) system.  These are probably all going to be horrendously expensive, but I'm still researching, and by the time I get around to building anything the costs should hopefully be significantly cheaper.  I like the idea of fuelling the sub by hooking it up to the septic system at home - some of you will say this is a crappy idea :) hahaha

Ceramics also offer a non-mechanical (in the classic sense) way to provide sensors (pressure, velocity etc).

At the worst, I will opt for the recommended activated charcoal system and replace it as needed, dealing just with the odour elimination and settle for a limited mission time, semi-closed system.

Would love to hear about anything you discover.


-----Original Message-----
From: Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sep 13, 2003 1:13 AM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Methane scrubber

Actually there have been some specifics posted. Try
searching through the archives. Scrubbers are pretty
simple. What I want to know is if anyone has tried
treated paper scrubbing material.


--- peter  mckellar <mckellar@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have only seen discussion on this group for
> CO2/Methane scrubbers, with no real specifics.
> I've been assuming that the CO2 scrubber also
> intrinsicly scrubs methane (indisciminately), is
> this the case or are they two different specialised
> scrubbers?
> Is it possible to easily separate the methane from
> the CO2?
> Also, I have read of a lithium hydroxide (?)
> scrubber that is a reversible process, allowing the
> compound to be 'cleaned' and reused.  Does anyone
> have any experience with this and able to comment on
> its effectiveness?
> thx
> peter

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