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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] question for technical divers

Hi Alec, 
do you remember our disscusion about prone position some 1-2 years ago.. 
Sgt.Peppers prone position is also not very comfortable.. 

Emergency exit : 

On Peppers the idear was : 

On he bottom at shallow water: 

- dissconect the inside pressure-air-tank from the tank system 
  and test the scuba-regulator
- Put the divemask in your face
- flooded the boat
- Open the front dome 
- escape with the pressure air tank in your hand

On he bottom at greater deep: 

- dissconect the inside pressure-air-tank from the tank system 
  and test the scuba-regulator
- put the divemask on you neck - not your face 
- flooded the boat
- Open the front dome and blow it over your head with
  the air (not oxygen..) from the tank. 
- breath normal inside the dome airbubble during your highspeed
  travel to the surface
- make shure during construction that there are to handholders
  at you dome.. 

If you can not use the dome because of the fix position - use a 
clear plastic bag over your head and breathe from there..

A old style divers lifewest wit a own small tank will be maybe also 
a good solution - breah just the air inside in cycle - will work for 
some minutes. The good think on this is that you have still something 
on the surface which help you to survival.. 

Most important ist to flooded the sub as quick as possible - a two 
inch vale is a very good way.. ;-)

On Euronaut we will use the diver exit chamber and the three 
heliox-SCR's (Rebreather) - or wait a week or two for help.. 

regars Carsten