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[PSUBS-MAILIST] question for technical divers

Hi there,


There were quite a number of technical divers at the conference, and I have a question I forgot to ask you guys… I’m an air diver, but my sub should go far deeper (1,000’) than I could on air. So the question is this; can I carry something better in my bailout SCUBA tank to extend the bailout depth possibilities? There are several aspects to the question:


-          On the understanding I’m never going to use this for anything other than getting directly out and up, do I need training beyond what decompression diving on air would entail? I’ve been diving for over 20 years and consume less than half the air of most divers, but I know nothing at all about gas diving.

-          What gas mix?

-          Does that require an O2 proofed reg or anything else special on the HW side?

-          What size tank would be suitable for bailout? Bear in mind space is at a real premium.

-          What bailout depth would you consider realistic?




