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[PSUBS-MAILIST] 2003 convention

The 2003 2nd Annual PSUBS convention is complete.  A total of 31 people
attended the meeting on Saturday to listen and participate with

Friday Highlights
- We sat around the hotel pool area talking, eating, and enjoying the
  afternoon.  The local television station came over took lots of video
  as well as interviewing Harold Maynard, Doug Farrow, Pierre Poulin,
  Ray Keefer, and myself.

Saturday Highlights
- Three submersibles were available for viewing, sitting in, and general
  poking and prodding.
        Lake Diver, a K-350 owned by Harold Maynard.
        BIG, an ambient sub owned by Pierre Poulin.
        UNDAUNTED, a wet sub owned by Doug Farrow.

- Speakers
        Ray Keefer - History of PSUBS
        Pierre Poulin - Building an ambient sub
        Doug Farrow - Human Factors for Submersibles
        Harold Maynard - Diving operations of the Lake Diver
        Mark Ragan - History of the Hunley/K-250 Pilot Training
        Alec Smyth - Programmable Logic Controllers for Subs
        Hugo Marrero - Safety standards for subs
        Jon Wallace - Johnson Sea Link disaster
        Doug Farrow - Building the Undaunted wet sub

- Doug Farrow brought lots of material including a copper diving hard
  helmet, and lots of books/videos.

- Al Secor, Dave Walls, and Alec Smyth captured the entire event on
  video.  THANKS guys!!

- Various people were snapping photos all weekend long, so we'll have
  plenty to show on the web site when we collect them all.

- People attended from Quebec, Nova Scotia, Alaska, Florida, Oregon,
  New York, Connecticut, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and
  possibly some other areas that I've forgotten.

Sunday Highlights
- The diving site boat ramp was well built, but there was not enough
  water depth over the ramp to launch the "Lake Diver".  

- Some folks had planes to catch, some had long drives.  The group
  congregated around the various subs again and spent another hour
  or so going through them and taking lots of pictures.  A group
  photo was also taken next to the "Lake Diver".

Ray and I want to thank everyone who helped with the event, whether it
was by attending, speaking, or helping out in some other fashion. Keep
watch on the web site for photos of the event.

The 2004 convention is currently scheduled for Portland, Oregon.
See you there!!
