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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Not absolutelly personal but submersible anyway

	Dear co-listers,

		Actually I'm trying to do my own computerized mini submarine, I plan to use 
as hull a old scuba tank with the bottom cutted and with a methacrylate grass 
to let the quickcam record, In the orifice of the top I plan to put a o-ring, 
use some of these nice cable conectors to put a rj45 class 5 cable with power 
over ethernet to feed a IPAQ pda with a usb host dongle and a usb adquisition 
board with some little power adaptors to the motors. 

		By now I going only to use one motor, and then Im going to decide where to 
put two more to manage the direction.

	Ok, heres the questions, 

		¿ its posible to buy hermetic motors to have the motor outside ? ( I think 
this is more expesive, but I dont know nothing about o-rings and Im going to 
try to avoid the use of it )

		¿ its posible to buy premade o-rings + axis ?

		¿ Where do you use to buy sumbarines accesories ?

		¿ Its posible to adquire thougth internet some nice book (still printing) 
about submarine construction ? ( I tryed with some of these in 
http://www.psubs.org/book.html but cant find where to buy )
