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I am probably not the one to ask on this, since I'm new to psubs as of  a
few weeks, but I will give you my thoughts on it.  I would say that it
really would not matter where the air line came in as long as it is not
obtructing anything.  A scuba fitting would probably work but depending on
how thick the housing for the motor(and what it is made of) is,that would be
the problem.  There seems to be a lot of discussion about these trolling
motors what's the attraction?   - Brian
----- Original Message -----
From: "shayne fortt" <nyarasub@hotmail.com>
To: <Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 8:25 PM

> I have asked this question once before a few years ago and subscuba, Ken
> gave me some details on the process of compensating the above motor but as
> time has gone i have forgot most of what i was told. attached is a photo
> a minnkota motor from JWA site, could someone with the knowledge please
> draw, show and explain how to air compensate them, more so the wheres of
> drilling the hole in the housing and how to seal off the shaft/wire port.
> many thanks in anticipation of someones help   shayne
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