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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Troller motors

Here's another option with some similarities to past inputs. Some pressure 
compensated sealed instruments use a small bladder attached to the housing. 
You would have to measure the free air volume inside the motor housing (use 
an inert liquid), then affix a tube to the housing and connect that to an 
air bladder. The volume would be based on the desired depth (volume of 
bladder reduced), and the free air space of the trolling motor. The bladder 
could be attached to the outside of the housing with an appropriate cover, 
or it could be located in a remote location via the tubing. If you had more 
than one motor, it could share the same bladder, albeit a larger bladder.
I would make sure you desiccate the air prior to filling. This will minimize 
moisture entrapment when the air is pressurized.
Air, although more prone to pressure problems, is better than oil for 
trolling motors, for some of the reasons mentioned in past postings.
Sorry, have to go, my bladder is full :)

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