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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] info please

On Thu, 22 May 2003 14:45:06 +0200 "Joop Dresscher"
<jadresscher@chello.nl> writes:
>hello all, can i get some help on a power / speed calculation for a =

I may have a program that does it for you.  Let me look.   Get to me off

>is it this formula?
>>From the wetted surface area you can use the ITTC formula:
>cf =3D 0.075/(logRn - 2)**2=20
>where rf =3D 0.5 rho v**2 S Cf

What's ITTC?

>if it is can ya tell what abriviations are used in here=20
>or have a simpler one without log rho etc?

There may be a different way.   

Mike Holt

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