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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] question about Diver Lockout.

It will work in the Euronaut the following way : 

Exit hatch on the bottom is closed
Transfer hatch to inside Sub is closed. 

Pressurezieds the chamber to ambient with air or heliox according to the
Check with manometer and ball vale that inside and outside pressure
is really equal. 
Open the heavy Bottom exit hatch via hydraulik cylinders. 
Dive outside

Go inside, close hatch. 

Now we have two ways : 

Boat surfaced with chamber still under pressure, during the
decompression time of the 
divers the internal pressure of the chamber will be lowered according to
the diver 
decompression tabels to the outside atmosphere. This way is normally
only useful with air. 
Heliox is to expensive to blow it just in the sky..

so the second way: 

Boat surfaced or stay on the bottom - gas from the chamber goes to
bigger emtpty pressure
bottle storage group and expanded to 1 atm. From there via a second pipe
to the compressor
which compress the heliox back in the high pressure storage groups. 
This need a longe run time of the compressor - so normally the boats
first surfaced - than 
the diesel starts to reload the batteries - than the compressor starts
to reload the 
storage bottles. 

This chamber works only with a bottom hatch which can hold pressure from
both sides. 

If the boat is low of pressure in the pressure tanks to blow the dive
tank and still on the 
bottom - the chamber (air) gas can be released  slowly to the inside of
the sub - from there 
via the compressor to the storage bottles and from there to the

Another way with the chamber under air pressure will be surfacing only
dynamic with the rudders
and than blow the chamber gas on the surface time by time to the
softtanks to surface completly - to safe compressor run time. 

There are still some other option what we can do - but in general thats
The chamber will be dry all the time. The sub will be in swimming
condition all the time. 

regards Carsten


Jeremy Crawford schrieb:
> I guess I know they don't usually flood I guess I was thinking with my 8
> year old brain(early sub loving)  thinking it was flooding (from movies)
> thanks Vance,  So Carsten how will your diver lockout work?  will you be
> able to go from the DLO to the 1 ATM hull at depth?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <VBra676539@aol.com>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 4:15 AM
> Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] question about Diver Lockout.
> > DLO compartment does NOT return to 1 atm at depth. Gas may be vented
> enroute to the surface for 1st decompression stop, for instance. No DLOs
> that I know of flood compartments (other than military). It is enormously
> cumbersome compared to a gas bottle. Vance
> >