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Although Busby does cover every aspect of a sub we as PSUBers would be
concerned with, it doesn't contain explicit detail as a "how to book" would.
I too was hoping to turn to a page and find a "cut and dried" solution for
some parts I need to build.  When I thought about it though, there are such
a range of solutions for things like hatches that one design wouldn't do for
the range of applications from PSUBs to deep research subs.  The
applications vary and so do their budgets.  I found that Busby is very
helpful but you still need to design and test, as applicable, exactly what
you need for your requirements.
I don't think your missing any pages.  Study what you find and design what
you need. You might want to look through an O-ring application design manual

Good luck, Dan H.

----- Original Message -----
From: <mckellar@earthlink.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 11:04 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Busbys

> Hi,
> Fist of all, WOO HOO, my busby has finally arrived - hence my absence from
> the group for a couple of days :)
> a big thanks to all involved :)
> anyway, i was reading up on hull penetrations and found the bit on hatches
> very short and lacking detail.  Is this an area not dealt with in busbys
> am i gonna be embarrassed by a flood of page refs?
> thx
> peter