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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Top 10 reasons a personal submersible is better than a woman

LOL !  I like  #s 2 and 1  in that order.


>From: Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com>
> Top 10 reasons a personal submersible is better than a woman. 
> 10.  When it doesn't do what you want or need it to do, you can
>         rebuild it.
>  9.   You can go down as often as you like.
> 7.   The submarine won't complain if you try a different
>        angle or technique.
> 6.   The design isn't incomprehensible.
> 5.   You don't get in trouble if you go down with another man's 
>       submarine, or if you have more than one submarine.
> 4.   It won't complain if you work on the parts.
> 3.   Submarines never get pregnant.
> 2.   Submarines don't have idiot relatives you have to like.
>  . . . and the best reason for having a submarine:
>  1.   Submarines never talk back!
> .
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