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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Top 10 reasons a personal submersible is better than a woman

Top 10 reasons a personal submersible is better than a woman. 

10.  When it doesn't do what you want or need it to do, you can
        rebuild it.

 9.   You can go down as often as you like.

7.   The submarine won't complain if you try a different
       angle or technique.

6.   The design isn't incomprehensible.

5.   You don't get in trouble if you go down with another man's 
      submarine, or if you have more than one submarine.

4.   It won't complain if you work on the parts.

3.   Submarines never get pregnant.

2.   Submarines don't have idiot relatives you have to like.

 . . . and the best reason for having a submarine:

 1.   Submarines never talk back!


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