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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] On board computers

Title: On board computers
Thanks to all that responded to my request for a show of hands for Psubs operating with computers.  I see where some of you guys do use computers in the simple form for some monitoring.  I'll look into that with some detail for my application.  I'm basically a switch and relay guy when it comes to the electrical and see I'm still in good company. 
Thanks guys,  Dan H.
ps   Interesting Dan Lance!  I think it's about time the Auto industry did increase auto voltage.  It was primarily a function of battery technology that established 6 volts, and later 12 volts, anyway.  It's been 12 volts for just about 50 years now.  Batteries have come a long way in the mean time.   2004 or 2005 is sooner then I thought it would be implemented.  Guess I'll be buying a new battery charger! 
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Lance
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 8:06 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] On board computers

I have a K350. The closest thing to a computer on my sub is a "Link 10"
battery monitor with an RS232 output. I can down load battery info to a laptop
(after a day of diving). I will probably use a couple of plc's to
handle contol functions for a mechanical claw. I personally like mechanical
controls for their simplicity, reliability. For someone building a sub on a
budget I think  hand operated controls is the best way to go.
  According to the articles I have read 42 volts will be the new automobile
standard, Cadillac in the 2004 or 2005 model year will most likely be the
Dan Lance