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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Through Hull Connections

Excellent (opto-electronics), thx :)

I had already decided to keep as much as possible outside the hull - 
especially since reading the posts about batteries exploding/starting fires 
inside the hull.

Obviously I will need some power inside the hull, but I should be able to 
keep the demand fairly low.  The thing that concerns me the most is the 
requirement for over 100hrs life support.  without something to pump air 
over the scrubber and monitor and control essential systems, any other 
'failsafes' (eg lots of air/oxygen) become next to useless.  do i put a 
bicycle type driven fan or generator on-board? (i jest, but it has some merit).

Which brings me to another question.  I'm assuming with joystick control, 
various sensors, cameras etc more than one computer is really required for 
control etc.  Is the solution to make everything dumb except the laptop/PC 
or do you run a lan?  if a lan, wireless or cabled?

If cabled to things outside the hull, the same sealing problems occur.  if 
wireless, that avoids thru hull connections, but how far is the signal 
likely to transmit through saltwater (given that different manufacturers r 
likely to have different broadcast strengths)?  then of course i have 
to   have a client out-board to control thrusters, trim etc 
<sigh>.  <warning: hopelessness and despondency follow :) > so many 
problems at every turn :(  my speadsheet with specs is huge and still 
nothing I'm really happy with.  The AutoCad 2000 solid modelling im 
dabbling with is like a kids scribble :(


At 08:29 4/30/03 -0700, you wrote:
>So I guess this begs the question of how the submersibles that actually do use
>an acrlic sphere pass wires and the like. Do they drill holes and have plates
>through bolted? I know some have spheres that are clamped together, and likely
>everything is inside with no penetrations. Peter, how about using the 
>sphere for
>the human occupancy part only, and have the batteries, motors, etc. 
>outside. You
>could have optoelectronic controls which wouldn't need any holes.
>This is a good question for Phil, or someone really in the know.
>Quoting mckellar@earthlink.net:
> > Hi Warren and Dan,
> >
> > d@mn!! - this half-hearted attempt at self-censorship is a major concession
> >
> > - im aussie and the expletives flow naturally :)
> >
> > I really had my heart set on acrylic, even recognising that some components
> >
> > would likely end up metal :(  my 'ABSOLUTELY MUST BE' generally gets warped
> >
> > so much its bears no similarity to the original intent :)
> >
> > but, back to the ridiculous and unreasonable - could induction be used to
> > pass a current thru the hull without the heat buildup issues?
> >
> > the differential expansion problem seems equally intractable :(  Even more
> > so than the problem of hull penetration.  I had considered imbedding  some
> > components permanently in the hull, despite the replacement and upgrade
> > considerations, im going to have to think this one thru too :( -
> > suggestions welcomed :)
> >
> > all assistance appreciated
> > peter
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > At 18:05 4/29/03 -0700, you wrote:
> > >Be careful with acrylic. A metalic onject embedded in
> > >acrylic with shrink and expand at a different rate,
> > >and that can cause acrylic to fail explosively (when
> > >under pressure).
> > >
> > >Warren.
> >
> >
>Jeff Post
>Everything can be inherited except sterility.