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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Waterproof controls

I have seen electronics run in batched through dish-
washers for cleaning! That is how the manufacturers
do it up here!


--- mckellar@earthlink.net wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for all the constructive comments.  as for
> emergency flooding - i 
> agree, wet components will be the least of my
> worries :(
> i did however also intend training/drill flooding,
> plus i wanted the option 
> to flood it for a diver lockout.  I will certainly
> want to try this at 
> least once during the initial testing.
> the electronics are one thing - either isolate or
> insulate.  i suspect 
> saltwater may cause more damage than fresh water,
> but i hear that when CFCs 
> got banned, many manufacturers now wash their boards
> with circuit boards 
> with demineralised water.
> one of my major concerns is more things like the air
> scubbers.  i have 
> heard that when the chemicals get wet they dissolve
> and turn into a caustic 
> solution.  fumes concern me in the cabin, trying to
> swim out thru an alkali 
> seems even worse :(
> any suggestions? - i have noted discussion on a one
> way valve on the 
> scrubbers (to prevent flowback), but how about a 2
> way shutoff valve?  im 
> thinking i would like this one to detect water and
> shut down 
> automatically.  failing that i guess i could just
> turn it off manually 
> prior to a scheduled flooding.  :)
> thx
> peter

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