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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Russian and Soviet subs


   A few years ago I bought a book called "The Soviet Submarine Fleet:  A Photographic Survey", by John Berg.  This book has pretty detailed descriptions along with photos of various masts, snorts, direction-finders, etc, and their relative positions on the sail.  Also had identifying characteristics to go by in the unlikely event you'd spot one surfaced at sea somewhere, and info on deployments and number of ships in class.  Covers diesel-electric and nukes up to 1985 (time of printing) Hope this helps.

Chris Nugent

 Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com> wrote:

Does anyone know of a publication I might buy that would
show all the antennas, masts and bugles, and identify them
with their function and their Russian and NATO names?
I've been watching K-19, and I want to know what all that
stuff does.

I found a Russian book about the Russian and Soviet navies
since 1945, and all that hardware is named. But there
are no NATO names, and little discussion of function.

OK, I'm just curous.

Mike Holt

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