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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FYI technical

Only time I've gotten duble messages is if my computer crashes before
they're all DLd.

Steven Mills wrote:
> >From: Jonathan Wallace <jon@psubs.org>
> >
> > These double messages...have you just started receiving them as of
> > a couple of days ago, or have you gotten them for some time now?
> >
> > Also, are you getting doubles on the messages that YOU send to the
> > group, or on messages that other people author?
> >
> > Jon
> As far as my end, I've been receiving doubles for some time now.
> It's more noticeable on some on the Linux forums.  pSubs isn't
> that bad, but bad enough considering double messages from other
> lists in total.
> BTW, I use JUNO too and have experienced the same.
> Strangely, I've only had double messages that I have sent
> a few times, but not on pSubs !  go figure........  Have you or
> anyone observed duplicate messages from me?
> --Steve

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it gives to a question of yours, or the question it asks you, forcing
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