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>From: Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>
> OK. It was originally written for a multiplayer game,
> but the project wasn't popular and I got tired of 
> flogging a dead horse. The rendering portion of the
> code works quite well, though. The 3D image to be
> rendered is represented by HTML style code. A faster
> version could be written that used pre-compiled code.
> The engine compiled the code at startup and stored it
> as a binary array. Hundreds of thousands of polygons
> in an image don't phase it. 
> Warren.

Thanks !  I'm still interested, but have too many irons in the fire
to be able to give it a try for now. I'll contact you later about it.

I'm particularly fascinated with :

> ........ Hundreds of thousands of polygons
> in an image *don't phase it*. 

Out of curiousity, how many lines of code did you write for this
and what was the resulting size of the binary? [ I assume you
wrote it in C++ ?  ]
