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>From: Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>

> My brother and myself actually wrote a 3D engine
> awhile back that was more powerfull then Morfit.
> It is actually real simple, if you have the gumption
> to give it a try.All you need it the OpenGL Redbook,
> the free OpenGL libs, and a little determination.

Well, they don't call me Forrest Gump(tion) for nothing.
( sorry about that one).
Do you mean writing a 3D engine or using *your* 3D engine?
If it's yours, I'd like to give it a whirl. Do you have FTP on your
website? No big deal if you don't.

> go for ant graphics you may need. And Morfit really is
> pretty decent, I just needed higher resolution and
> speed.

I have to admit, Morfit was a little slow with a little jitter,
but the graphics were decent.
I'm just curious if there are any improvements with "3D State"?


> Warren.
> --- Steven Mills <barycenter@earthlink.net> wrote:
> > For anyone interested in a free 3D graphics
> > development
> > program.
> >
> > I worked a little with its predecessor Morfit 3D,
> > but not enough
> > to give any advice on its use.
> >
> > It's probably good for advertising, Kiosks, and
> > virtual walk-thru
> > for architecture, etc. With a little imagination I
> > could see an
> > interactive virtual setup for a marine archaeology,
> > highlights of
> > internal workings of a pSub for presentations...etc.
> >
> > Anyway, I won't be downloading it, [ don't have the
> > time ], but maybe
> > a few of you might want to give it a try if you're
> > so inclined.
> >
> > --Steve
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: <news@morfit.com>
> > To: <barycenter@earthlink.net>
> > Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:39 PM
> > Subject: 3DSTATE 3D News
> >
> >
> > In this newsletter (formerly known as Morfit 3D
> > News):
> >
> > 1. A new free 3D development package for Delphi !
> >
> > 2. 3D programming with VB .NET using the new free VB
> > 3D package
> >
> > 3. Enhancing realism using Windssoft Light Map Maker
> >
> >
> > 1. A new free 3D development package for Delphi
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Up to now the only free 3D development package for
> > Delphi users was Morfit
> > SDK V3.0, released in 1999 ! The new version,
> > released today, closes a 4
> > year
> > gap and enables strong 3D capabilities for Delphi
> > developers.
> >
> > To download:
> >
> www.3dstate.com/download/comV/VC6/Delphi_3D_Developer_Studio6.exe
> >
> > Please note that the new SDK is totally free for
> > non-commercial usage.
> >
> > An excellent tutorial for developing 3D content with
> > Delphi can be found at
> > delphigamedev.com .
> > http://delphigamedev.name2host.com/3DSTut1.htm
> >
> > delphigamedev.com has been providing visitors to its
> > site  with a wide range
> > of
> > tutorials on developing games with Borland Delphi
> > for many years now. The
> > tutorials are unique in that they assume no prior
> > knowledge, and explain
> > every
> > line of code as it is introduced.
> > Now, with the release of V6 of the 3D State Delphi
> > SDK, delphigamedev.com
> > has
> > launched a new regular series of tutorials on its
> > use. The first tutorial
> > (available
> > now) introduces the SDK covering loading in a World
> > file, and moving the
> > camera. The coming tutorials will gradually become
> > more complex, as more in-
> > depth details of the engine are discussed.
> >
> > Many thanks to Coenrad Nel for his contribution to
> > the new Delphi SDK. You
> > are all invited to visit
> > his website and read about his upcoming 3D game
> > written in Delphi.
> >
> http://users.iafrica.com/c/cs/csasha/Demo/GameWeb.htm
> >
> >
> > 2.  3D programming with VB .NET using the new free
> > VB 3D package
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > If you are a Visual Basic programmer and you haven't
> > yet downloaded the new
> > free development package:
> >
> http://www.3dstate.com/download/comV/VC6/3D_Developer_Studio_VB602.exe
> >
> > The tutorial below shows how to use VB .NET for 3D
> > programming (courtesy of
> > Rick Eastes)
> >
> > http://www.eastes.net/htm/GameFramework.asp
> >
> > 3. Enhancing realism using Windssoft Light Map Maker
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Using Lightmaps is simply a must for creating any
> > realistic 3D environment.
> >
> > Check out Windssoft tutorial for adding lightmaps to
> > Morfit / 3DSTATE
> > worlds.
> > http://www.windssoft.com/Tutorial/Tutorial.htm . The
> > tutorial contains
> > pictures so you
> > can see what it is all about.
> >
> > 3DSTATE users can use 3D Webmaker or Worldbuilder to
> > create lightmaps. (The
> > latest
> > SDKs also include the group bitmap utility for
> > optimizing lightmap bitmaps).
> > Now you
> > can also try Light Map Maker.
> >
> > Light Map Maker (http://www.windssoft.com) is a
> > general tool for creating
> > compelling
> > lighting effect. By using it, you can easily achieve
> > professional lighting
> > in real time 3D
> > scenes. LMM also includes geometry processing
> > tailored for light maps. This
> > ability is
> > specially useful when modeling environments made by
> > 3DSMAX, Maya and others.
> > The
> > lighting data can directly be saved to BMP file.
> > Saving into custom data
> > format file is
> > supported through Export-Plugins.
> >
> >
> > Happy 3D programming and designing!
> >
> >
> > The 3DSTATE Team
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This email has been sent to you because you have
> > registered to 3DSTATE's
> > (Morfit) newsletter.
> > If you do not wish to receive any more information,
> > please click on the link below.
> >
> > t
> > If your browser does not open automatically, please
> > go to
> > http://www.3dstate.com/cgi-bin/unsubscribe.asp
> > to unsubscribe manually.
> >
> >
> >
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