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For anyone interested in a free 3D graphics development

I worked a little with its predecessor Morfit 3D, but not enough
to give any advice on its use.

It's probably good for advertising, Kiosks, and virtual walk-thru
for architecture, etc. With a little imagination I could see an
interactive virtual setup for a marine archaeology, highlights of
internal workings of a pSub for presentations...etc.

Anyway, I won't be downloading it, [ don't have the time ], but maybe
a few of you might want to give it a try if you're so inclined.


----- Original Message -----
From: <news@morfit.com>
To: <barycenter@earthlink.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:39 PM
Subject: 3DSTATE 3D News

In this newsletter (formerly known as Morfit 3D News):

1. A new free 3D development package for Delphi !

2. 3D programming with VB .NET using the new free VB 3D package

3. Enhancing realism using Windssoft Light Map Maker

1. A new free 3D development package for Delphi

Up to now the only free 3D development package for Delphi users was Morfit
SDK V3.0, released in 1999 ! The new version, released today, closes a 4
gap and enables strong 3D capabilities for Delphi developers.

To download:

Please note that the new SDK is totally free for non-commercial usage.

An excellent tutorial for developing 3D content with Delphi can be found at
delphigamedev.com . http://delphigamedev.name2host.com/3DSTut1.htm

delphigamedev.com has been providing visitors to its site  with a wide range
tutorials on developing games with Borland Delphi for many years now. The
tutorials are unique in that they assume no prior knowledge, and explain
line of code as it is introduced.
Now, with the release of V6 of the 3D State Delphi SDK, delphigamedev.com
launched a new regular series of tutorials on its use. The first tutorial
now) introduces the SDK covering loading in a World file, and moving the
camera. The coming tutorials will gradually become more complex, as more in-
depth details of the engine are discussed.

Many thanks to Coenrad Nel for his contribution to the new Delphi SDK. You
are all invited to visit
his website and read about his upcoming 3D game written in Delphi.

2.  3D programming with VB .NET using the new free VB 3D package

If you are a Visual Basic programmer and you haven't yet downloaded the new
free development package:

The tutorial below shows how to use VB .NET for 3D programming (courtesy of
Rick Eastes)


3. Enhancing realism using Windssoft Light Map Maker

Using Lightmaps is simply a must for creating any realistic 3D environment.

Check out Windssoft tutorial for adding lightmaps to Morfit / 3DSTATE
http://www.windssoft.com/Tutorial/Tutorial.htm . The tutorial contains
pictures so you
can see what it is all about.

3DSTATE users can use 3D Webmaker or Worldbuilder to create lightmaps. (The
SDKs also include the group bitmap utility for optimizing lightmap bitmaps).
Now you
can also try Light Map Maker.

Light Map Maker (http://www.windssoft.com) is a general tool for creating
lighting effect. By using it, you can easily achieve professional lighting
in real time 3D
scenes. LMM also includes geometry processing tailored for light maps. This
ability is
specially useful when modeling environments made by 3DSMAX, Maya and others.
lighting data can directly be saved to BMP file. Saving into custom data
format file is
supported through Export-Plugins.

Happy 3D programming and designing!

The 3DSTATE Team

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