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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Blue-green laser (was: Empress of Ireland)

Right. I know what you want to do now. It is certainly
possible, it has been done before, in fact. I don't
remember the name of the company that did it, though.
Be forwarned: You will be using the highest
GFLOP TI DSPs available. You will need highly refined
low level programming skills, and high level data
construct skills. I am a professional programmer who
happens to be very experienced in that type of work,
and I gulp at the thought. I would love to tackle it
if I was getting paid to work on it! My dad designed
an instrument for Decagon Devices that used high-speed
laser radar to create precise 3D pictures...The 
technology won't work underwater, however.


--- Tim Reilly <TimR@cclengineering.com> wrote:
> The system used the three inputs, blue-green laser,
> high-freq active sonar,
> and passive sonar to create a virtual image of the
> enviroment around the
> pilot of the craft.  Sounds pretty cool.  My sub,
> once constructed, is going
> to be a test platform for different types of
> technology and for mapping
> bottom areas to its operational depth.  Currently I
> want it to have an
> operational depth of about 500 feet.  I will expand
> from there.
> Tim R.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael B Holt [mailto:tlohm@juno.com]
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:15 AM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Blue-green laser (was:
> Empress of Ireland)
> On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 10:19:16 -0800 Tim Reilly
> writes:
> >Speaking of dreaming, I was just reading a book
> called Stingray by 
> >Bill Keith, and I was wondering, if there are any
> electronics engineers
> out
> >there, if a system using a blue-green laser and
> active and passive 
> sonar
> >would be practical. 
> In Busby, there's a chart showing the attentuation
> of various
> colors.    Well, I remember seeing one somewhere.  
> Blue-green
> penetrates deeper than any other color, I think.
> What did that system do with the combination of
> laser and
> sonar? 
> > This is my primary concern with a sub, is being 
> able to
> >see for an extended distance under water.
> That's one thing that holds me back from getting
> really
> serious: around here, visibility is about a meter at
> noon
> at a depth of a meter!
> Mike H.
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