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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Dangerous Psubs ?

Sorry Carsten, Steve is right. Then I would be moving
to Germany. Hopefully none of this will happen, but
I am afraid it will. Not that I'm saying I wouldn't
want to live in Germany. Yum, good beer!


--- Steven Mills <barycenter@earthlink.net> wrote:
> >From: Carsten Standfuss <MerlinSub@t-online.de>
> > Warren I don't think so.. 
> > 
> > Anykind of technology can be use as potential
> lethal.. 
> > A Psub is not more dangerous than anything else. 
> > 
> > A one or two seater submarine private build has to
> > limit speed and limit range to get any body in
> danger 
> > - except the crew itself. 
> > regards Carsten
> Carsten, You're preaching to the choir here.
> It's not the pSub...it's the nature of American
> politics, public
> opinion, and how our legal system works.
> Again, I refer to some of the messages in that
> SlashDot site.
> If some of the lunatics here had their way, a fork
> and spoon
> would be illegal weapons.
> I guess I can't shut up after all, --Steve

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