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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Empress of Ireland (was: Forbes story)

>From: E.L. King <crusader-x@comcast.net>

> The most I'd ever want to do is take pictures and/or video.  While I
> don't protest the recovery of artifacts from wreck sites, it isn't
> something I'd do.  I'm not a professional, and the recovery of
> artifacts and their preservation is most definitely the realm of
> professionals.  In my opinion.

Right. I concur. I hope you didn't think I was implying that you
would be careless. With our litigious and overly regulated society
one has to be mindful. I've had a few confrontations with over
exhuberant park rangers for just picking up a fossil from the roadside.
The pressures created from a thruster could be enough to upset the
integrity of a site or artifact.

One thing that I thought would be interesting to explore with a submesible
are man-made lakes and deep reservoirs; like parts of the Ozarks,
the TVA system, etc.  Many small towns and farms fell under public-domain
for these dam projects dating back to the turn of the century. There's
got to be old tractors, cars, appliances, old toys...heck, maybe someone's
mattress stuffed with gold coins or silver certificates under all that
