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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Empress of Ireland (was: Forbes story)

The most I'd ever want to do is take pictures and/or video.  While I 
don't protest the recovery of artifacts from wreck sites, it isn't 
something I'd do.  I'm not a professional, and the recovery of 
artifacts and their preservation is most definitely the realm of 
professionals.  In my opinion.

On Thursday, Mar 20, 2003, at 19:58 America/Indianapolis, Steven Mills 
> Something you might want to consider and check-out before doing
> any exploring on your own [ on dry land or uw ].  The feds and many
> states now have antiquity laws and regulations that prohibit this.
> Most of the regs deal with the taking of artifacts and damaging sites
> but some cover "trespassing" in designated areas which can result
> in heavy fines and/or imprisonment.
> There is a famous federal court case involving "Sue" a TRex uncovered
> in Montana (?).  These people went through hell and were eventually
> exonerated on most of the charges, but still got heavily fined for 
> other
> minor ones.
> --Steve