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Well the swamps may not be deep enough for a sub but Ol'Man River is about 30 minutes from here. We could be in Memphis in less than an hour and do about anything we wanted. I think it would be more fun to build our own ironclad and show up at the Memphis Yacht Club dock. Can you imagine? You bet if I ever get close to Richmond I'll give you a call and give you plenty of advance warning. Really, I can't think of a much better time than you showing me around. On the way back from Norfolk several years ago, I stopped there last. I did'nt get close to seeing everything I wanted to. A really great city. You get over this way, I'll have you a bed.  Regards, Mark

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com>
Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Date:  Wed, 19 Mar 2003 15:56:37 -0500

>On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:15:04 -0600 "Mark Steed"  writes:
>>Indiana-nowhere, Richmond-backwater. Gee, you guys come over here and 
>>I'll show you some Arkansas swamps and woods you'll never forget. 
>Are there deep places to dive a sub in the swamps?   
>My guess is that anyplace is going to look quiet after a long 
>>Besides, I like Indiana and being an old southerner, loves the dickens 
>>outa Richmond. Got nice statues too. How about putting me up for a 
>If I had a place to do that, I'd offer it.  We could spend the time at
>Science Musuem, the Confederate Museum and the other places 
>that are known to have submarine-related things.
>Alas, the house is small and extremely Victorian, which means
>you'd either spend the day or stay with my next door neighbor
>(who, in 1896, would have been related to both of us!).
>If anyone's headed through Richmond on 95 or 64, give me
>some warning and we'll connect.
>Mike Holt 
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