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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] I new here, I need advice

Hi Thomas,

Could I suggest another approach to your hull calculations?

why not invest in a metric tape measure and do your calculations in metric?

For rough estimates, 1 metre is approx 1 yard.  But if you use
metric, you can directly relate volume to weight (1cm3 of FRESH water weighs 1 gram).  You could do all the calculations simply, work out how many kilograms of ballast you need - and either work it out in litres of water or in kilograms of lead.  1k = 2.2lbs if you need to buy it in a store.  Be warned however that salt-water weighs more than fresh, so the displacemnent weight will be higher.  maybe other members here could supply the specific gravity of salt-water?

For metric/imperial conversions (or just about anything - been thinking of building my sub in CUBITs but Autocad won't take the units damn) try:

