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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FWD: CNN Breaking News
Peter, I let math do the talking. I beleive we have lost a total of 16
astronauts on the job. 3 in Apollo 11 (I think, not sure about the
mission ID and the number of 'nauts), 6 on the Challenger in 1986, and
this Flight, 7. Now find the total number of missions and 'nauts
involved (add the number of 'nauts together, even the multiple mission
'nauts) and then divide the number lost by that number. Example- if a
total of 1,500 astronaut-missions (i.e. if Robert Crippen, of the first
shuttle mission, had seven missions, he'd count as seven A-M instead of
one), the number would be 16/1,500 = .010666667. Since I don't have the
total number of astronaut missions, I can't accurately figure it out.
Anyhow, in the end it means that even with the terrible losses we have
had, the overall safety of space travel clearly out does driving your
car down the street to the store.
a huge fan of Crippen
Peter Madsen wrote:
> Comment on loss of Space Shuttle Columbia...
> The CNN news is not that much off-topic here, because this maillist is about
> the same form of dangerous high-tech toys as the space shuttles. I have one
> basic comment and that is to GO ON, despite the disasters...
> Today's sad event was something the astronauts was aware could happen, and
> they took a very carefully estimated risk, to make a fantastic voyage
> possible. In the small scale anyone who dives in his or hers homemade
> submarine does the same. And anyone flying on a hydrogen oxygen rocket ship
> or diving a homemade submersible knows its both exiting and dangerous...
> Its very simple...really...after all, we all have a "date" and some are so
> lucky that they have the chance to do something important or exiting before
> the date comes...This was the case of the valiant crew of STS 107...
> So GO ON building your fantastic machines, and enjoy while you can...
> Regards,
> Peter Madsen,
> -The humble builder of the submersible "Freya"
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Steed" <plutomark@mail.astate.edu>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 7:01 PM
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FWD: CNN Breaking News
> > I don't know what I can add, but here it is. Mark
> >
> >
> > ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> > From: BreakingNews@MAIL.CNN.COM
> > Reply-To: newseditor@MAIL.CNN.COM
> > Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 10:13:05 -0500
> >
> > -- The space shuttle Columbia, carrying a crew of seven, broke up Saturday
> morning 200,000 feet above Texas. More soon
> > Watch CNN or log on to http://CNN.com /AOL Keyword: CNN for the latest
> news.
> >
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