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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Family member expresses interest!

Are you thinking that we could match them two up?  Interesting idea-
marraige in a psub.  But where are ya gonna stuff the preacher?

Michael B Holt wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 20:18:52 -0600 "Mark Steed" writes:
> >Michael: Congratulations! You must be very proud. I would tell
> >everyone that will listen. There is hope for this world after all. My
> >best regards to you and your exceptional daughter.
> Thanks, Mark.
> Hey, does anyone have an unattached son about 21 years old?
> I wonder if this stuff in inheritable?   I feel a science experiment
> coming on.
> I'll tell you if she expresses any interest in the engineering.   This
> could be fun.
> Mike H.
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