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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Disc ussion


I will try to forget your mail a.s.a.p.

You almost succeded in dissuading me from finishing my sub as I now realise 
that I'm not in the top 10 sub-mariners in the world.

But I will continu to work on it even if it doesn't work or if it looks 
ridiculous because I like to dream of it and work on it.

I also like this group and the various subjects covered by us. Peoples here 
gave me a lots of good ideas and were kind enough to answer my questions.

Be assured that I will stay in the group and I will gladly pass whatever 
knowledge I gain while building my sub. Even if someone read it just to 
laugh, I know that someone else will benefit from it just like I did.

Pierre Poulin

>From: "Ty Alley" <tydes@shreve.net>
>Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Disc 
>Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 23:13:54 -0600
>   Jeremy, you want to talk about the list being tarnished?  Have you ever 
>stopped to think why we hardly ever hear from the heavy hitters in the sub 
>world anymore?  It's because this site is becoming a joke.  When you 
>discuss half baked ideas seriously, it cheapens the whole discussion forum. 
>  The guys who are serious about their craft don't want to be associated.  
>It's like a novelist who doesn't want to have anything to do with a comic 
>book.  You all need to open your eyes because THIS place is becoming the 
>gossip chat room!
>   I am a professional in the diving industry and I keep in touch with a 
>lot of those guys we USED to hear from.  The kind of guys we need, the kind 
>that have built or build subs and know what the hell they are talking 
>about(Doc,Carsten,Herve, you guys aside).  When I told one of them I was 
>seriously considering unsuscribing from Psubs, he said the only reason he 
>stays on board is because "it's mostly like reading the funny papers".  He 
>reads it to get a laugh.  Is that what you want???


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