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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re:Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Discussion

i would like to comment here once and for all, about the misconception on
patents, copyrights and ideas.
Let me be straight: Ideas worth zip, nada, nothing, que dalle. You cannot
patent, copyright, protect, claim , use commercially or even sell  an idea.
So if anybody thought to become rich with an idea, forget it, it s not going
to happen.
Once you get to a working design, a reproductible principle, a math formula,
an invention, or something realistic that is WORKING, then we are talking.
And We are not there yet, after that you have to finance it and market it
which as much difficult than invention itself.
So when somebody shows up out of the blue with a revolutionary idea on this
forum he should be prepared and have some "back up" materials otherwise i
dont think it is disrespectfull to laugh at him, it s called criticism,
however i dont think anybody who just trashes or ignores the most elementary
laws of physics wants to learn anything.
if not what does it mean? i have an idea and i learn later how to realize
it, it does not make any sens. An ivention requires first knowledge, then an
Do you think any idiot could find out about Gravity just by looking at an
apple fall from a tree. The guy who found out did it because of an extensive
knowledge in maths.
Respect commands for those who wants to learn to question those who know,
and stay quite about crazy ideas until they know at least as much otherwise
face ridicule and mokery. An ignorant is never about to invent anything and
it is insulting to all those who have been brainstorming and studying for
years to claim otherwise
----- Original Message -----
From: Alec Smyth
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re:Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Discussion

Oh, Doc, you reminded me of something funny if off topic. Years ago I was in an intensive training course for a new IT consulting job. We had a really dumb colleague, and the dialogue went like this:
Student: Excuse, but I have a stupid question.
Instructor: There is no such thing as a stupid question. We might all learn from it.
Student: OK... what happens if X?
Instructor: Whoa, there are no stupid questions EXCEPT FOR THAT ONE. Wow, how incredibly stupid!
Whole class: <uncontrollable laughter>
-----Original Message-----
From: Doc [mailto:doc@bionicdolphin.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:51 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re:Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Discussion

I'm with you Jeremy, intellectual snobbery in an open forum especially from those with minimal actual experience turns my stomach.
If you can't say something nice or constructive, don't say anything at all! Go join a gossip chat room instead!

There is no such thing as a dumb question,,, only dumb answers.


Jeremy Crawford wrote:

I for one would like to express my disappointment in this forum.  Instead of engaging someone and coaching them on the pitfalls of subdesign, there are those who have ridiculed or treated ignorance with disdain rather than education.  We cannot educate those who leave this list feeling humiliated. The behavior of some here has been such that the reputation of this list is tarnished.  I would bet that almost everyone here has had an idea they thought revolutionary only to find out it has been done or the physics won't work. I know for me it was disappointing.  The fact that a person came here and was laughed off the forum is in my opinion inexcusable.  Sincerely,Jeremy Crawford
----- Original Message -----
From: BauWauHausDesign@aol.com
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Disc ussion

to those i have responded to privately, thanks and i look forward to our meeting. to the rest of you, goodbye, goodluck and may your boxes remain forever closed and safe as you apparently prefer them to be.
