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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Battery question

Solo has AGMs inside the pressure hull. One of the more bizarre design details is they're mounted on the "ceiling" instead of the floor. This is to raise the center of gravity, since its a flyer and I'm trying to reduce the self-righting moment. And if that wasn't weird enough, they're upside down so I can get at the lugs.
My main recommendation for battery safety using AGMs is to invest in a really good charger to prevent H2 gassing. I got a "Truecharge 40", which was about 400 odd bucks. Its microprocessor controlled and designed specifically for AGMs, which have a different charging voltage than other technologies.
We'll see if it all blows up once completed.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Warrend Greenway [mailto:dub@linuxmail.org] 
	Sent: Tue 1/28/2003 1:43 PM 
	To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org 
	Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Battery question

	I know about the hydrogen venting during charging cycles. So if
	they are in the hull do you just open the hatch and stay clear
	when you are charging? Is there any problem while discharging?
	I know you have to keep the batteries dry...
	> Loading battery is the problem.. creates hydrogen fummes.
	> Hatch should be open and airventilation by little
	> pipe on a hose should fix it. 
	> On a diesel-electric sub the diesel can eat the hydrogen during
	> chargeing the batteries.
	> Carsten
	> Warrend Greenway schrieb:
	> >
	> > Hey, I have a battery question, for those information buffs: What would
	> > the overall dangers and benefits of placing the batteries inside the
	> > pressure hull be? What do you do about battery venting, if they are in
	> > water-tight battery pods? This isn't random, I was laying out parts of
	> > the OSS pressure hull and found that the batteries fit neatly inside the
	> > base of the hull. They could be sealed with an air tight  bolt-on deck.
	> > Any input? Should I give this up now and place the batteries in pods
	> > outside the hull??? Any input would be great!
	> >
	> > Also, for those info buffs, what about compiling a list on applicable
	> > battery information for review?
	> >
	> > Warren.
	> > --
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