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[PSUBS-MAILIST] FYI: Message:from Doctor Dolphin.Ltd (Commercial proposition).

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From: "Rost Flegontov" <flegontov@sacbeemail.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 15:39:08 +0200
X-Priority: Normal
To: ray@psubs.org
Subject: Message:from Doctor Dolphin.Ltd (Commercial proposition).
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                                      Dear Sirs!

            We find information about your organization in Internet.
     Our company propose for your kind attention for sale deep-water complex for 
conducting  engineering & other technical & geological prospecting works on 
depth up to 2000m, which consists of 3 (three) separate units (for stepped or 
combined deep-water investigation).
1). Fastened compact small remotely operated vehicle 
(«&#1040;&#1075;&#1077;&#1085;&#1090;»)- «Agent» with above-water control panel.
2). Fastened robot MTK-200 with above-water control panel.
3). Deep-water inhabited submersible («&#1057;&#1077;&#1074;&#1077;&#1088;-2»)- 
« Sever-2» with complex ZIP.
        All foregoing above equipment is disposing on guarded grounds under 
responsible storage in:
1). Science Exploration Center «Ukrainian State Oceanarium» (Sevastopol city);
2). Admiral Makarov Ukrainian State Sea Technical University (Nikolaev city).
All equipment is not under law-court, arrest, alienation & also not  burden from 
other debt obligations.
   Short discription of foregoing above equipment is indicate in application to 
this letter.

       P.S.  If you have interest in purchasing this equipment, please firstly 
contact us via e-mail or via letter, because our translator from English 
language is not disposing in our office.

With compliments,

Mr. Rost Flegontov 

Commercial Director.

Doctor Dolphin.Ltd
03040 Ukraine, Kiev
M. Stelmakha Street 10A of. 522
Tel/Fax: (38044)2582242
e-mail: flegontov@sacbeemail.com
                   Enclosure to commercial proposition.

1). ROV «Agent» -  meants for realization of sweeping, conducting engineering & 
other technical & geological prospecting works on dept up to 500m.
    It works autonomus or together with (MTK-200). Operates from control panel, 
which is fixed on deck of carrier vessel through cable-rope. Weight of apparatus 
&#8211; 30 kilograms.
Apparatus haves  two TV cameras, lighting technology equipment, impellent plant, 
which allows independently moving in all flatnesses. Avaible mounting of 
supplementary curved equipment.
Working time of apparatus is not limited.

Example of practical application. Shelf inspection on torpedo & mine 
availability. Possibility of diving & putting of explosives for elumination of 
underwater hindrance, possibility of putting different claws for lifting 
simberged objects from bottom. Investigation of ship hulls, drilling platforms, 
underwater pipelines. Underwater videotape recording, thickness measuring of 
underwater pipelines & other works.
         Now, apparatus with above-water control panel disposing in Sevastopol 
Apparatus completely ready for work, participated in  underwater works near 
Zmeiny Island (Black Sea) for JSC «&#1057;hernomorneftegaz».

2). MTK-200. Weight-3,5 tons. Meants for works on dept up to 500metres.
        Operates with helping of control panel from carrier-vessel through 
   Apparatus have autonomus telemetry, lighting technology, track chassis for 
bottom moving 6 (six) electronic motors for moving in water in all flatnesses & 
2 (two) manipulators 8 (eight) powers of freedom, 90kg of pressing on clamps.
Application: analogous ROV «Agent».
     Now, apparatus with above-water control panel is disponsing in hangar of  
Admiral Makarov Ukrainian State Sea Technical University (Nikolaev city).
Necessary to buy cable-rope & to make starting examinations.

3).Deep-water inhabited submersible «Sever-2».
Depth of diving up to 2000metres.
Wear of solid hull &#8211; 10%.
Length &#8211; 12 metres.
Height- 4 metres.
Breadth &#8211; 2,6 metres.
Diameter of solid hull &#8211; 2,1 meter.
Displacement &#8211;39tons.
Speed max &#8211; 2,5knots.
Diving speed max &#8211; 0,8knots.
Diving height calculated &#8211; 2800metres.
Diving height maximum (working) &#8211; 2200metres.
Stock of run &#8211; 6 hours (with electric power).
Year of building 1972.
Crew &#8211; 2-5 people.
1 (one) manipulator 8 (eight) powers of freedom with claw.
Apparatus autonomus, apply with deck of carrier-vessel with help of 

  Now submersible is disposing on ground in (SEC) «Ukrainian State Oceanarium» 
(Sevastopol city).
Submersible ready for work on 70%.
Necessary to buy storage batterys & to make starting examinations.
Available  ZIP - (complete set of fittings for providing normal work of 
apparatus) in quantity of 2 (two) auto trucks «KAMAZ».

Photos of submersibles are enclosed.

Composed by sacbeemail.
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