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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Discussion

At the bottom of the ocean, were I in a balloon, would not also the balloon
be flat, unless I increase the presure inside the balloon to equal the


Also doesn't the boat have to weigh the same as the water displaced in
order to sink?  So unless it is filled with internal ballast tanks it would
have to weigh the roughly the same as a metal hulled boat?

Just a clarification please?



                      Sent by:                          To:       personal_submersibles@psubs.org                                               
                      owner-personal_submersible        cc:                                                                                     
                      s@psubs.org                       Subject:  Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Discussion       
                      27/01/2003 04:29 PM                                                                                                       
                      Please respond to                                                                                                         

In a message dated 1/27/03 3:15:47 PM Pacific Standard Time,
emm03@mirapoint.uow.edu.au writes:

 Sounds scary...I suggest you test this hull to a few times
 operating depth before you get inside it...........just to
 make sure you have it right..

Hey EM,

Scary because you are operating from a particular design perspective, but
not the only one.To demonstrate this, here's a question:

When is rubber stronger than metal? Answer:

At the bottom of the ocean. Take a rubber balloon and a soda can to the
bottom of the sea and the balloon (though smaller) is intact, yet the can
is flattened. Why? Obviously because the balloon was elastic and was able
to shrink under the pressure. What I have designed provides mechanical
elasticity, not that the hull actually changes shape, just how the pressure
differential is interpreted. In theory, a paper bag could withstand the
pressures of the deep seas utilizing this process.

anyways, thanks for inquiring,
