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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS pressure hull

That's exactly what I was thinking of.  That's how it's done in a two person K sub.  If you look at my posted pic's you'll see that I have a seat that is cantilevered from a support on the starboard side of my hull.  The pilot can sit in the seat and the observer can either view through the two hull viewports in the aft part of the hull or lay on his belly along the floor under the pilot to view out the forward looking view port, near the pilots feet.  I tried it and it's tight but not bad. 
No matter how you try to arrange a small affordable sub there is some "slithering" involved.  It's one of the prices you pay for the ride.
In the beginning it was suggested that we start with a K sub as a model and rework it to both improve and up date it.  It's looking more and more like a good suggestion.   One improvement is the one millimeter hull diameter that seems to be near agreement.  That's about three inches more them a K and worth the price and weight.  I don't know if the double conning tower is worth the expense though.   
A  K-250 conning tower is over a thousand dollars in materials and that's if you use a non approved dome.  You'd probably have to add a few hundred for the machining since it's bigger then most hobbyist can handle.  To add a second conning tower would be another thousand plus dollars.   Dale Hinze could probably put a better number on it. You'd be surprised how the price tag grows with the required extras, even after the hull in built.  Thrusters, Piping, Batteries, Electrical, Etc. Etc. Etc.
Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thijs Struijs
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 9:54 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS pressure hull

Imagine a chair on 4 legs. The pilot is sitting on it (total height 1300 mm). His feet are about 400 mm apart. The passenger is laying on his belly between the feet of the pilot. Maybe an idea?
Thijs Struijs