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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Deep Flight Aviator maiden voyage.

Not me. I want to sink, in a controlled fashion, then hover
neatly above the bottom for awhile. 


> OK, I concede, Graham wins round 2, but the fight ain't over yet and he hasn't seen the last
> of his arch nemesis The Bionic Dolphin! (#2 should be rolling out of the barn next year)
>  Maybe a fly off in 2005 would be a lot of fun, but it sounds like he wants to make it a race
> to Challenger Deep,,,,,,, anyone out there know someone with deep pockets who wants to
> fly to bottom of the Marianas FIRST?
> Doc
> Ian Roxborough wrote:
> > Kind of wish I'd know about this in advance, so I could take more pictures:
> >
> > http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/01/24/BA111378.DTL
> >
> > Ian.

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