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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Please see.

I agree whole-heartedly. Also, (not you Carsten, you already know this!)
keep in mind that the pressure ratings for propane tanks are in TENSION, 
not compression! Again, please reference Concepts of Submarine Design for 
more info on this subject. I just don't want to see a perfectly good PSUBer 
flattened because of a flawed understanding of hull dynamics. By the way,
this gets dramatically more dangerous as the hull size increases.


> See what ? - nice shallow water sub - 5 USD more
> for a custom rolled shell and it dives 10 times deeper.. 
> I want not to blame Bill nice work - but from my view at 
> dive deep / work hours / to money realation - even a new 
> closed propane tank as sub shell makes no sence..
> Search the archive for "propane tank"
> regards Carsten
> jbarlow@bjservices.ca schrieb:
> > 
> > http://giffordmarineinc.com/sub/little_gato5_9_01.htm
> > 
> > 
> >                       majerus@iowatelecom.net
> >                       Sent by:                          To:       <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> >                       owner-personal_submersible        cc:
> >                       s@psubs.org                       Subject:
> > 
> > 
> >                       20/01/2003 02:22 PM
> >                       Please respond to
> >                       personal_submersibles
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get an answer or two. First, I would
> > like to know if I made a sub out of a NEW propane tank, would I or should I
> > put rings on the inside to strengthen it or would it be strong enough by
> > itself? Also, the ballast tanks do they need to be able to withstand the
> > pressure of water or can they be made out of a light material?

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