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Warren: I would be happy to take the lead in that department. I have experience with similar projects and feel very comfortable with it. I will give it my very best effort. I am easy to work with and I appreciate any and all feedback. I look forward to this and thanks. Let's go! Mark Steed

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Warrend Greenway" <dub@linuxmail.org>
Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Date:  Thu, 16 Jan 2003 11:19:39 +0800

>That's great, Mark! You just offered to shoulder the part of the burden
>that is most often view as "unglorious". And yes, we will need someone
>to fill those shoes! Would you be interested in leading the tech doc
>department when it is formed, or just take a back seat?
>> Greetings all. I have sat back and watched the OSS developments with interest without adding much at all. I like the idea a great deal and I am very impressed with the quality of the ideas and the great skills of the people involved. I am not surprised at all as this group has always been made up of wizards capable of anything. I would indeed like to contribute to this worthy project but frankly, a lot of the computer engineering is over my head. I am a member of the old fart group at 48. When the glacier thawed, out I came. That said, I can offer to write any technical reports, operation and procedural manuals, checklists, descriptions, or for that matter, any technical writing that needs to be done. I have some experience and promise good work. Let me know what any of you think. If this sort of thing is not needed, by all means tell me. I have a real thick hide so I'll figure something else to do. By the way, I really like the buoy set-up with hydrophones and strobes. Inst!
>> ea!
>> d of dragging it around, put the cable on a reel just like the USN does on its submarines(communications and for emergencies) A single through hull could accomodate the cable with a powered reel/winch on the hull's exterior. The reel set-up could be easily covered or faired over to prevent entanglement. Regards to all and keep up the good work.  Mark Steed
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