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That's great, Mark! You just offered to shoulder the part of the burden
that is most often view as "unglorious". And yes, we will need someone
to fill those shoes! Would you be interested in leading the tech doc
department when it is formed, or just take a back seat?


> Greetings all. I have sat back and watched the OSS developments with interest without adding much at all. I like the idea a great deal and I am very impressed with the quality of the ideas and the great skills of the people involved. I am not surprised at all as this group has always been made up of wizards capable of anything. I would indeed like to contribute to this worthy project but frankly, a lot of the computer engineering is over my head. I am a member of the old fart group at 48. When the glacier thawed, out I came. That said, I can offer to write any technical reports, operation and procedural manuals, checklists, descriptions, or for that matter, any technical writing that needs to be done. I have some experience and promise good work. Let me know what any of you think. If this sort of thing is not needed, by all means tell me. I have a real thick hide so I'll figure something else to do. By the way, I really like the buoy set-up with hydrophones and strobes. Inst!
> ea!
> d of dragging it around, put the cable on a reel just like the USN does on its submarines(communications and for emergencies) A single through hull could accomodate the cable with a powered reel/winch on the hull's exterior. The reel set-up could be easily covered or faired over to prevent entanglement. Regards to all and keep up the good work.  Mark Steed

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