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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS, interpersonal communication

Whew! I'm glad someone said this.
Indeed, it's barely been a week. This
isn't a rush to beat a competitor or get
on the market. We need to slow down
a bit.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dale A. Raby
To: PSUBS.org mailing list
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS, interpersonal communication

Well... I think this is the part where an old fart like myself needs to step in.

Pierre, the design process for a project like this is likely to take months and even years... not days.  If you are a design engineer, you know this, and if you are not, you know it now.  A few days to coordinate the standards is nothing much in the grand scheme of things.  We are a large group.  Granted, we have to follow the leader, but he needs feedback in order to make his decisions... and he is young as well, so I am sure he wants to move along as much as you do.  Be patient, lad, we'll get there!

I am very interested to see what this group puts together and will be proud to be able to say that I had even a small part in it, even though I am unlikely to ever bolt the first hull plate on my own submersible.

You all seem to get along much better than any group I have ever seen before.  As near as I can tell it is because you are not soldiers, artists, programmers, and women.  Groups in these classifications never seem to be able to get along for any length of time... go ahead call me a sexist, I don't care,  but most women would agree with the statement.

This issue aside, we are still a very diverse group, so I think perhaps I should point out a few things.  First off, not everyone here speaks English as their first language.  A statement such as Pierre made might just possibly be construed as inflamatory, though most likely it was not intended as such.  He's just young and impatient... and I must add that his English is better than my Francais.  We also have different attitudes.  Toleration and thick skin is a must in a project such as this one.  Intollerance will kill the project more certainly than any technological difficulty.  Be flexible, like Gumby.

Now, for you guys who might need some help with English language skills... a phrase or word you don't understand... or getting around American slang or attitudes... ask me and I will give it a shot.  My household speaks a mixture of English, German, and Italian... we can also do French and Spanish if necessary.  Do it off the list if you want.

OK, enough from the landlubber this morning.  There are some interesting things developing... the sharkskin concept, the window issue, the modular concept.... keep at it!  Oh, yeah... a while back someone discussed fish finders as active sonar devices... hopefully the OSS would have that as well.  There is some pretty murky water around here. 

BTW, how do PSUBs avoid getting run down while surfacing?  It seems to me that a large freighter could not avoid a small sub surfacing in its path, nor could a fast moving small surface craft.


On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 06:19, Pierre Poulin wrote:
Man, that process is gonna take forever. Please let a leader take a decision 
and let the groupe move on! We could debate that simple issue for days... (I 
think that's what we've done already)

I'm looking forward to be in the design process! In the meat of the projet!


Dale A. Raby
The Green Bay Web

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